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Redding Student Creates Project
And Donates Instruments
REDDING, CT -- Jason Fenwick, 8th grade violinist in Redding, has done a wonderful thing for less fortunate students in Connecticut schools. Last spring, as a 7th grade student, Jason heard about Horns For Kids, a non-profit organization that awards instruments and cash grants to deserving Connecticut school music programs. On his own initiative, he created a project to collect instruments for school students who haven't had the opportunities he has had. He placed an article in his school's bi-weekly newspaper, asking people to bring instruments to his school's March recital. And he included a card with the invitations to his recent Bar Mitzvah, asking guests to bring an instrument to the reception. As a result, Jason collected over thirteen instruments: 7 violins, a flute, clarinet, trumpet, electronic keyboard, an acoustic guitar, and 3 soprano recorders. Recently, Jason donated all the instruments he collected to Horns For Kids, which will award them to Connecticut school music programs, based on need.

Jason began playing violin at age seven. He studied privately, then entered the string program at Redding Elementary School in 3rd grade. He has played in his school's orchestra and chamber orchestra since 5th grade. This is the second year he will play with the Danbury Community Orchestra. Now beginning his 8th grade year at John Read Middle School, Jason says, It makes me feel good that students who might not have been able to play an instrument will now get that chance.

Thank you, Jason!